Tag: Workshop on Environment

Application Deadline Extensions

The IGCS Team has decided to extend the deadlines for our two upcoming events-

1. IGCS-motan Workshop

New deadline: 22 November 2021 for more information visit the link- https://www.igcs-chennai.org/igcs-motan-workshop-2021/

2. IGCS Winter School 2022

New deadline: 03 December 2021 for more information visit the link- https://www.igcs-chennai.org/teaching-2/igcs-winter-school/We look forward to reading your application!image: Freepik.com

Jugendkonferenz 2021

Goethe Institute Bangalore and the German School Board Abroad in New Delhi is organizing an online event Jugendkonferenz (Youth Conference) starting November 14th until November 20th, 2021 in the virtual rooms of the Goethe-Institut Bangalore. The theme of this year’s conference is “Future: We can do it.” The focus is on how we can enable every single person to live in dignity, freedom and peace in an intact and functional environment in the future.

IGCS’ postdocs: Dr Christoph Woiwode, Dr Khulud Alsouleman, Dr Daniel Rosado, and Dr Gabriela Garcés Sánchez will offer workshops at the event.

The objective of the workshop and lectures is to provide suggestions as to which sustainable measures one can take to shape our collective future together sustainably. In addition, participants will receive first-hand experiences in a practical exchange with fellow colleagues and find opportunities to act responsibly together.

For more information visit the website here.