The Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) is dedicated to researching current sustainability challenges and disseminating the knowledge generated while facilitating exchanges of students and researchers.
Our bi-annual flagship international student exchange program, the Winter School at IIT Madras, was recently held from February 20th to March 3rd, 2023, on the topic “Microgrid – A Key Contribution Towards A Carbon Neutral Society”. Our participants assessed the accessibility to affordable, reliable, and sustainable forms of energy in the Indian and German context through an interdisciplinary set of lectures and workshops conducted by our Indian and German academics and practitioners. Based on the three main trends shaping the current and future global energy landscape – defossilization, decentralisation, and digitalisation – this iteration of our exchange program focused on the idea that promoting renewable energy systems, primarily through microgrids, is a potential approach and an innovative and viable solution towards a clean energy future, especially in areas not served by centralised electrical infrastructure. IGCS also provides a platform for participants to engage in peer learning through Group Work. These activities are designed to allow group members to gain hands-on experience in multidisciplinary collaborations to develop a set of research ideas. The collaborations also enable our participants to engage in intercultural exchange and travel.

We are delighted to announce the upcoming Summer School at TU Berlin, which will take place from 24th July to 04th August 2023. Arising from the idea that energy security, economic benefits, and clean energy integration are the main drivers of microgrid development and deployment worldwide, the Summer School aims to build on the success of the Winter School. Like the Winter School, this year’s Summer School in Berlin will comprise interdisciplinary lectures, Working Groups, Panel Discussions, Excursions in Germany and many other intercultural exchange opportunities. Our objective is to continue exploring the sustainable use of energy, a primary global concern.
We cordially invite Indian and German students to jointly and interactively develop their skills and knowledge about sustainable energy use in our upcoming Summer School in Berlin. Stay tuned for more information about the program and how to apply!