We kicked off another iteration of our flagship program, the IGCS Summer School 2024, hosted by RWTH Aachen University in the beautiful city of #Aachen, #Germany.
Each year, we handpick 30 outstanding international applicants—15 from German universities and 15 from Indian universities—to learn, discuss, and collaborate on critical topics related to the environment, sustainability, and climate change. This year, our focus is on the transformative concept of the Regenerative #Urban Futures — #CircularEconomies and Societies.
On behalf of the entire IGCS team, we are thrilled to welcome these brilliant minds from around the world and are eager to see the great ideas and solutions we will create together.
We would like to take this space to appreciate the organising team this year- Prof. Martina Fromhold-Eisebith from RWTH Aachen University, Ashwin Mahalingam from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Dr. Christoph Woiwode from Technische Universität Dresden, our team from the International Office RWTH Aachen University– IGCS Project Coordinators Ms. Lisa Van Aalst, Dr. Anna Kathrin Uffmann, IGCS Project Assistant Mr. Marvin Greiß and Mr. Rahul Govind Rajkarnikar for their dedication to this project. Thank you!