Category: Research

Symposium: “Tsunami Risk Reduction & Community Resilience

The Amrita Center for Wireless Networks & Applications, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham UNESCO Chairs and Esri India are jointly hosting a Virtual International Symposium titled ‘Tsunami Risk Reduction & Community Resilience’ on December 26, 2020 from 3 p.m. – 8 p.m. (IST). The symposium aims to reflect on the imprints of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, the subsequent impact on the global society, and advances in science and technology to build sustainable and resilient communities. 

The symposium will provide a platform to policy makers, technological innovators, the oceanography industry and researchers to come together and share their insights, as well as throw light on some of the key technological advancements and strategies that help to develop resilient communities across the world. It will address the following key areas, through two main themes.  

Theme 1: Tsunami – Responses & Lessons Learnt

Theme 2: Tsunami – Are we ready for the Future?

Key presentation areas:

  • Case Studies addressing the response of the international fraternity
  • Response, Governance, & Community Resilience Presentation
  • Technological Innovations – Monitoring, Detection and Early Warning Systems

The event will bring forth a detailed report that will summarize the current preparedness that has been developed for Tsunami, and will give an insight into the strategic planning framework that needs to be developed for improving the resilience for the coastal communities across the globe. 

We welcome you to join this endeavour. It would be great if you could pass this information to interested students and other colleagues as well. 

Registration Link : 

4th Indo-German Dialogue on Green Urban Practices

26 & 27 Nov + 3 & 4 Dec 2020 Online event

Well-being & the Good Life – The Human Being in Sustainability Transformations

This event is the 4th iteration of the Indo-German Dialogue on Green Urban Practices series (IGD). It is conceived as a continuous series of an annual interaction of academics, civil society activists, government officials, policy makers, and the corporate sector where appropriate. Its key objective is to provide a platform of sharing and exchange of experiences of social urban innovative change in Germany/Europe and India in order to leverage action towards new transdisciplinary research and practice projects.

Some key questions that will be addressed:

  1. What are our underpinning principles, values, worldviews, beliefs, ethical-moral guidelines that inform the work we do?
  2. What are our personal and collective inner resources, capacities and skills that we apply or intend to utilise in our activities?
  3. What kind of methodical techniques and practices can be used to support personal and collective inner transformation?
  4. How can these inner resources, etc. be honed, grow and developed further to leverage sustainable urban futures?
  5. How can we perform awareness based social action research?

Approach and Methods of Interaction:

In the past, the format of the IGDs has been participatory and interactive, with the programme being co-designed and conducted by the delegates. We will retain this approach for the digital event as well as far as possible by deploying an array of tested methods in online interaction. For example:

  • Expert talks
  • Digital field visits
  • Group work
  • Sharing and discussions
  • Exchange and practice of methods of inner work


Dr. Christoph Woiwode

Prof. Dr. Petra Schweizer-Ries

Tanja Cimador

EU-India research perspectives on Plastic Waste

A virtual seminar co-hosted by the Delegation of the European Union to India and
the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in New Delhi
Thursday 22 October 2020 at 3.00 pm – 4.30 pm IST (11.30 am – 13.00 pm CET)

3.00 – 3.05 pm ISTOpening Address by the Ambassador of the European Union to India,
H.E. Mr Ugo Astuto, on ‘EU-India Strategic Partnership committed to
green the economies’
3.05 – 3.10 pmOpening Address by the German Ambassador to India, H.E. Mr Walter J.
, on ‘Plastic waste and citizen science under the German
Presidency of the European Union’
3.10 – 3.25 pmMs Sieglinde Gruber, Head of Unit, Marine Resources, Directorate-
General for Research & Innovation, European Commission: ‘Plastic
waste research activities under EU research and innovation
3.25 – 3.35 pmDr Pravakar Mishra, Scientist – F, National Centre for Coastal Research
(NCCR), Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, Chennai:
‘Ongoing marine litter and micro-plastics research at NCCR’
3.35 – 3.50 pmDr Katrin Knickmeier, Director, The Kiel Science Factory, University of
Kiel: ‘Plastic Pirates: A pan-European citizen science approach to plastic
waste in waterways with global relevance’
3.50 – 4.05 pmDr R. Vinu, Associate Professor, Indo-German Centre for Sustainability,
IIT Madras: ‘Novel Waste-to-Energy Technologies in the Indian Context’
4.05 – 4.25 pmQ&A
4.25 – 4.30 pmConcluding remarks with next steps and opportunities