Category: Archive

IGCS Bulletin 4

IGCS Bulletin Vol. 1 (4) covers news, research approaches and goals as well as results from ongoing efforts. It also informs about selected conferences with respect to sustainability and much more. This issue contains two interesting features: The first summarizes the findings of the “Sustainable Water and Waste Management in Chennai basin” project carried out by IGCS members. The second provides a student’s persprective on the IGCS Summer School in Berlin.

IGCS Bulletin 3

In IGCS Bulletin Vol. 1 (3), centre coordinator Prof. S. C. Rajan wrote an article about the assessment of ‘Rio+20′, the multinational conference on sustainable development and a report of one Winterschool project group on the estimation on IIT Madras’ Carbon Footprint is contained in the bulletin. Moreover, it includes the latest news about research and workshops of the Centre.

IGCS Opening

The IGCS has officially been inaugurated on the 6th of December 2010. The opening took place at the IIT Madras. Both, the renown scientist M.S. Swaminathan and M.S. Ananth, Director, IIT-Madras emphasized the history of successful cooperation between India and Germany.

Picture: From left to right, Prof. Ananth (Former Rector, IITM), Prof. E. Schmachtenberg (Rector, RWTH Aachen University) and Mr. T. Rachel (German Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research).