Category: Archive

IGCS Bulletin 10

In IGCS Bulletin Vol. 3 (3), read about

  • IGCS´ seminar on “Exploring the Current Issues in Sustainable Energy” with Chief Guest, Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Govt. of India,
  • the IGCS Summer School in Stuttgart and student projects on Transportation and Mobility Issues in T. Nagar, Chennai,
  • an interesting feature by Ruben Sudhakar, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, and Ajit Kolar, IIT Madras, on “Solid Waste Management in Chennai”.

IGCS Bulletin 9

It gives us great pleasure in publishing the IGCS Bulleting Vol. 3 (2)! Read about IGCS´ first Industry-Academia collaboration, the IGCS Winter School on Sustainability in Theory and Practise, DST-IGCS projects and a seminar on the Energy Security – 2047.

An interesting feature by Dr. Nidhi Nagabathla from University of Hannover covers the topic of agro-biodiversity in Landscape Management: inherently transdisciplinary! is also included.