Category: Alumni

What to expect from IGCS Summer School 2023? Alumni Neele Mundt shares.

IGCS school participant Neele Mundt, affiliated with CAU Kiel, Germany, participated in the recent IGCS Winter School 2023 at the IIT Madras, Chennai, India, between 20. February to 3. March 2023 on the theme “Microgrid – A Key Contribution Towards Carbon Neutral Society” under the IGCS focus area of Sustainable Energy Use. Special thanks to IGCS Area Coordinators, Prof. Dr. Frank Behrendt at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, and Prof. Dr. Krishna Vasudevan at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, and IGCS Postdoc, Dr. Khulud Alsouleman, also from Technical University Berlin, Germany for organizing the event.

Neele attended the IGCS Winter School 2023 with the aim of gaining a general understanding of Micro Grids and their implementation in Germany and other countries. They learned about technical aspects, engineering perspectives, energy storage, decentralized control, renewable energy generation, and various other topics related to Micro Grids and renewable energies through lectures by experts and student presentations. The group work and non-official activities also provided valuable opportunities for deeper research and networking.

You can read more about their experiences in our latest edition of IGCS Experience Reports, which you can also download below:

IGCS’ flagship teaching project is the annual interdisciplinary Summer and Winter schools. The annual schools are held under the motto of one of our IGCS focus areas and are organized by the respective area coordinators and their partners. The itinerary is about two weeks long and consists of lectures, discussions, group work, and field trips. The Winter Schools take place at IIT Madras in Chennai in February / March, while the Summer School takes place at one German partner university in June / July. For more information on IGCS’ events, see here.

Anica Roßmöller research stay at IIT Madras to study Faith and Localization of SDGs in India

IGCS-fellow Anica Roßmöller, affiliated with the Institute of Political Sciences at the University Muenster participated in a research stay at the IIT Madras, Chennai, India between 3. March to 30. April 2022 for their work on the theme “The role of faith in the localization of environmental SDGs in India” under the IGCS focus area of Land Use / Rural and Urban Development. They were an alumni of the IGCS Winter School 2020 who was granted a research scholarship to continue their work on their doctoral thesis.

You can read more about their experiences in our latest edition of IGCS Experience Reports, which you can also download below:

Are you interested in research on sustainability issues? The Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) awards scholarships to students and researchers whose projects on sustainability issues benefit from a research exchange to India or Germany. Our research fellows receive a one-time travel fund in addition to a monthly scholarship. The scholarship provides travel and living expenses according to DAAD funding rates, as a rule. The Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) offers scholarships to help you achieve your academic and professional goals.

Learn more about scholarship opportunities.

Prof. Dr. Elisa T. Bertuzzo conducts exchange research at IIT Madras on Peripheralisation and Translocalisation amidst the Pandemic

IGCS-fellow Prof. Dr. Elisa T. Bertuzzo, affiliated with the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts conducted their research on the project theme of “Peripheralisation in an Age of Translocalisation” under the IGCS focus area of Land Use / Rural and Urban Development at the IIT Madras, Chennai, India from December 2021 to February 2022. Despite the pandemic and travel restrictions, they were able to conduct fieldwork in Chennai. Their work focused on the field of Urban/Migration Studies and (Visual) Anthropology, particularly in the understanding of collective negotiation, sharing and co-use of space, political organization, and solidarity that determine the production of space in peri-urban zones.

You can read more about her experiences in our latest edition of IGCS Experience Reports, which you can also download below:

Are you interested in research on sustainability issues? The Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) awards scholarships to students and researchers whose projects on sustainability issues benefit from a research exchange to India or Germany. Our research fellows receive a one-time travel fund in addition to a monthly scholarship. The scholarship provides travel and living expenses according to DAAD funding rates, as a rule. The Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) offers scholarships to help you achieve your academic and professional goals.

Learn more about scholarship opportunities.