Update August 2020: given the current safety precautions and travel restrictions due to the Corona virus SARS-CoV-2, we strongly recommend selected fellows / interested applicants from the 2020 batch to postpone / plan the exchange not before 2021.
IGCS is proud to announce the scholarship program for 2020. We are inviting excellent researchers (Master and PhD students, Postdocs and Professors)
- from German universities research institutions who plan to visit IGCS at IIT Madras in 2020. Update: Please note that IIT Madras has closed the campus for international students until the end of 2020 and will reopen in January 2021 at the earliest.
- from Indian universities (IIT Madras, IIT Tirupati, IIT Palakkad, IIT Manid) who plan a research visit to a German university or research institution in 2020.
to apply for an IGCS scholarship. We collect applications until February 29 (winter call) and June 30 2020 (summer call). Spread the word!
Prospective deadlines for 2021 scholarships will be February 28 (winter call) and June 30 (summer call) 2021!