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Alumni Vlog Post on IGCS Summer School 2022

IGCS is exhilarated to share our recent vlog post from our Alumni about their experiences during our recent Summer School at RWTH Aachen University.
Summer & Winter School

Announcement IGCS-motan Workshop 2022

Our #sustainabilitychallenge: ‘Reduce | Re-Use | Recycle | Recover – Strategies Towards a Sustainable Plastics Industry: Rethinking the Future of Plastics’ and make a difference – shape the future with your innovative and sustainable ideas. 

IGCS conducts Summer School 2022 in Aachen

This edition of the IGCS Summer School, in the IGCS focus area of Sustainable Waste Management, specialized in designing a set of interdisciplinary lectures and an integrated approach that covers advances in research and technological implementations in Waste Prevention, reuse, and recycling approach, management, and regulatory aspects, as well as the socio-economic and environmental considerations. It connected concepts of sustainable waste management with clean energy, energy efficiency, reducing CO2 emissions, bio-based economy, and restoration of the ecosystem and its services.

IGCS Team Participates In 1st Aachen Aktionstag Nachhaltigkeit

The IGCS Team led by Dr Anna Uffmann participated in the 1st Aachen Aktionstag Nachhaltigkeit (Sustainability Action Day) on Friday, June 17th, 2022, under the motto “Wir in Aachen – Gemeinsam auf dem Weg!” or “We in Aachen – Together on the way”. The program invited diverse participants to exchange ideas and concepts on Sustainability.

Alena ̶ IGCS Winter School 2022 Student Mini-Lecture Presenter Testimony

In order to transform our current linear economic system into a circular economy, material flows that were previously declared as waste must be recognized and made usable as raw materials. The project EnEWA (saving energy in paper production by opening up the value chains of waste paper from lightweight packaging, residual waste, and commercial waste) addresses this issue precisely.

Gillian ̶ IGCS Winter School 2022 Alumni Testimonial

IGCS Winter School 2022 Alumni- Gillian Woodman (CAU Kiel), shares their experiences from our 2 week workshop.

IGCS-motan Virtual Workshop 2021’s Winning Idea

IGCS-motan Workshop 2021’s working group no. 3 represented by Marwa Madarani (University of Stuttgart), Shakunthala Natarajan (IIT Madras), Rajkumar Sahoo (Jawaharlal Nehru University) and Linus Uzoewulu (Keil University) presented their winning idea titled ‘Alternatives to Single-use Plastics (SUP) – Using Plastics Properly.’
Summer & Winter School

IGCS Summer School 2022

Interested students may apply through the 2022 Application Form. The link is open from 01.04.2022 – 30.04.2022, 7 PM CET/11:30 PM IST.
Lan Use / Rural and Urban Development

Launch of the documentary on ‘Chennai – A Global South Metropolis in the Peri-Cene

As the human population increases, so does the pressure for urbanization…. Around the world, metropolitan regions are haphazardly “sprawling” past their effective borders and into the sub-optimal peri-urban areas. The planet has entered the ‘Peri-cene’ phase – a new global human-environment system shaped by peri-urbanization.

IGCS Scholarship Grantee Testimonial – Veronika Fendel

This was my fourth stay in India. It solidifies my previous impression that there is more to see every time; one is always surprised. It was an excellent opportunity to do local research and meet all the inspiring people and places, and I highly recommend it.
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